World eDu Institute provides consultancy training services for small, medium, and large enterprise corporations. Our training programs are led by instructors with industry experience combined with industry-recognized knowledge-based certifications and credentials. World eDu Institute with industry experience in the cloud to ground infrastructures in telecommunications systems together with information technology specialists provides live webinar-based training programs with IT consultancy service options for the SME business on IT cloud infrastructures and private networks.

World eDU Institute’s provides GloCalization Business Consultancy services for SME’s and will manage projects from concept to operation virtually and on premises.

World eDU Institute’s Instructor(s) for this course program are seasoned experts with certifications in: Microsoft’s Azure’ cloud services with applications such as MCSA Office 365, M365 Enterprise Administrator Expert, MCSE Cloud Platform and Infrastructure, MCSA O365, MCSA SQL Server, MCSE SharePoint, MCSE Windows Server MCSE Windows, MCITP Messaging, MCT and more). Our consultancy and knowledge agency provides training in both customized and MOC (Microsoft Office Curriculum) based training. Instructor-led training both virtually and on-premise.


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